Software Development
Software Development
Our young and highly motivated team of software specialists is primarily working on the constant further development of our innovative control center of the future. By using the latest software technologies, we offer intelligent networking of a wide variety of data and media streams.
The intelligent control and management of this data and information is ultimately also reflected in the name
iCC – intelligent Control Center
The intelligent Control Center (iCC) is software for managing technical data. As a modular add-on system, it connects a wide variety of data sources in one system. For example, process control systems, building control technology, counters and databases from existing systems could be combined. The aim of this aggregation is to create as accurate a picture of the current situation as possible. This data can then be used as a basis for improvement processes. An example of this is the determination of the current CO2 footprint, with its subsequent optimization.
In addition, we also offer our know-how in the field of software engineering for the creation of customer-specific automation and rationalization solutions. As a certified WinCC Open Architecture (WinCC OA) partner, we offer you software solutions to further optimize your WinCC OA project and make your work more efficient. We develop our own drivers (e.g. LoRaWAN), EWOs and other modules in our company.
The intelligent Control Center (iCC) can be demonstrated in our building. After making an appointment, you can get a live impression of the software and the programming team in our showroom. Afterwards we are at your disposal for your questions, wishes and ideas.

Research and Development
Due to the increasing globalization of the markets in recent years and the associated question of securing locations, automation in manufacturing companies has become even more important.</ h6>
IBAR Systemtechnik GmbH is at your disposal with extensive know-how for the development of automation and rationalization solutions. Customer-specific solutions are always developed in a wide variety of sectors such as the automotive industry, mechanical engineering and in secondary raw material recycling centers, but also in the field of industrial measurement technology and sensor technology.

When it comes to automation solutions, we always focus on people. Therefore, when planning rationalization and automation projects, great value is always placed on the close involvement of the customer and finding the optimal degree of automation. In this way, the project goal is supplemented by the increase in know-how at the customer.
We offer our customers the advantage that they receive a consistent solution from planning to implementation from a single source. For this purpose, we offer a very wide range of project planning, which covers feasibility studies, potential analyses, product design through to technology development and prototype realization. The always tailor-made solutions are characterized by pragmatic approaches in which the focus is on economy, productivity and flexibility.
Projekt eHaul
Concept overview
Long-distance electrification of trucks for high daily mileage
Charge the vehicles en route by changing batteries along motorway connections or by (moderate) DC fast charging overnight at the carrier
Fast, fully automatic battery replacement using components from order picking technology
Validation of the technical suitability and economy through the use of electric trucks (articulated / articulated trains) and the construction of a fully functional exchange station
Business model development:
Batteries remain the property of the station operator and can therefore be used flexibly between different carriers
Offering Grid Services Via Station-Tied Batteries


Conceptual ideas for the automatic battery changing system Il</ h6>
Battery changing shelf on both sides
Mechanical tracking / positioning

Rotary bearing for 1800 rotation and fine adjustment of alignment
Optical detection for positioning

WindNODE - The showcase for intelligent energy from north-eastern Germany
As part of the energy transition in Germany, a steadily increasing proportion of electricity production is to come from renewable energy sources. At the same time, the phasing out of nuclear energy and the reduction of electricity generation from fossil fuels are being promoted. We are convinced that only an energy management system managed by the municipality is able to make this expansion ecologically and, above all, economically viable.
Project duration: December 2016 to November 2020
This project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

As part of WindNODE, this municipal energy management system (KEMS) is to be further developed, the aim of which is to record measured values and visualize them in relation to the respective energy networks (including heat, electricity , gas). Furthermore, a simulation environment is to be created to analyze the economics of integrating regenerative generator systems and battery storage in a network. The KEMS is intended to provide various insights. For example, which boundary conditions are necessary for the integration of e.g. P2G systems (power-to-gas) so that they can work economically. This makes the existing networks of the municipal utility company “intelligent” and enables the operator to use previously unused renewable energies and to make a contribution to the energy transition. At the same time, economic incentives should also be created. This is the only way to ensure that both energy producers and energy consumers develop an interest in the energy transition. An essential part is the testing of new, cross-technology business concepts for the marketing of energy, in particular control reserve (e.g. primary control reserve) of the connected overall power plant. The technical project support is provided by the Stadtwerke Cottbus as an industrial partner and the b-tu Cottbus-Senftenberg for the scientific support.
Förderprogramme der EU

Challenges for the engineers of tomorrow - Brandenburg innovation specialists
Die Investition in Forschung und Entwicklung ist ein elementarer Bestandteil unserer Firmen-philosophie. Im Umfeld der Hochschule Senftenberg und der BTU Cottbus haben wir innovative Forschungsprojekte initiiert, die uns neue Verfahren, Produkte und das Wichtigste, junge Ingenieure ins Unternehmen gebracht haben. Im Rahmen von Werkstudentenverträgen mit Unterstützung unserer Studenten beim Schreiben ihrer Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten konnten wir bereits eine Vielzahl von gut ausgebildeten und hoch motivierten Mitarbeitern gewinnen.

We want to focus more on this type of recruiting of young talent in the future. Our working students and innovation assistants work primarily on the development of our energy control center, with which resources can be saved in the long term and with which we would like to support the city of Cottbus professionally and technically.
An innovation assistant examines the possibilities of how a C02 balance can be integrated into our energy control center. The aim is to have an overview that is as precise and comprehensive as possible within the software to give information on how a C02 footprint comes about and where possible saving measures or modernizations can be applied. Implementation period: 2801.2021 — 31.12.2022
Funded by the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Energy with funds from the European Social Fund and the State of Brandenburg.
More information
Qualification and further development of specialists
Since the interaction of technical components is becoming more and more sensitive and complex, it is crucial for us as an engineering service provider to understand the complex relationships and to apply them efficiently and quickly in our own work environment. Requirements are constantly growing.